A City, Waiting for You: Chapter 49

Outside the building, the sound of fire sirens was getting closer. Xu Qin walked through the corridor and took a look through the window, just in time to see the red fire truck parting the crowd and driving into the hospital compound. She quickened her pace and walked out of the building. The fire engine…… Continue reading A City, Waiting for You: Chapter 49

A City, Waiting for You: Chapter 46

“That’s not allowed. Neither your father nor I will agree.” Xu Qin immediately looked at Meng Huaijin with a trace of nervousness in her eyes. Meng Huaijin frowned deeply, and sighed very long: “Qin Qin, girls are easily blinded when they are in love. Dad is worried that you will be deceived.” Xu Qin replied:…… Continue reading A City, Waiting for You: Chapter 46

A City, Waiting for You: Chapter 44

Xu Qin was startled, and immediately wanted to push Meng Yanchen away. But Meng Yanchen wouldn’t let go, and grabbed her even tighter. He examined the expression on her face, as if he couldn’t believe that the mischievous and charming voice and intimate movements just now came from her. But in an instant, she turned…… Continue reading A City, Waiting for You: Chapter 44